Simplified Stats Interactive
These pages are designed for you to quickly implement stat techniques to improve your team's performance.
Link are provided to give you more information about a topic but it is not necessary to read these sections to proceed with the process.
Link are provided to give you more information about a topic but it is not necessary to read these sections to proceed with the process.
Why taking stats is important
- no stats is like flying blind - you don't know how fast you're going or in what direction
- it provides incremental improvement data that you can't "see" on a daily or weekly basis
- provides clarity in
- communicating to players
- prioritizing practice drills
- I've been doing fine without taking stats - OF COURSE. Most coaches don't take stats - it's just way more efficient to know exactly what you need to work on and what individual needs to work on
Stats provide clear numbers to compare performance for an individual's progress as well as for the team as a whole. Once you implement this process, you will realize that you have been "flying blind" without stats. It's like driving without a roadmap in a foreign land and not knowing how far you are going each day and in what direction. It's like teaching a math class without taking tests and providing grades. If the teacher told you, you're doing pretty good in math without a grade, what would that mean? Are a B student, a C+ student? What does it mean. Additionally, if you were told, "your improving" what does that mean? Did I go from an B to an A? Think about these words as they are used all the time in coaching and it leaves players and parents feeling good initially, then confused over time.