2018 NCAA Beach championships
May 4-6 Gulf Shores, AL
The NCAA used SoloStats Touch during the entire 3 day championship to stat players during each match. The simplicity of SoloStats Touch allowed members of the stats crew to learn the product with very little training as they used it in a spreadsheet like grid or "electronic clipboard". All they had to do was tap the cell for the player and stat and that was it. See Below:
SoloStats Touch in GRID CAPTURE MODE
Each stat taker tracked both teams and logged their touches. When complete, the stats were backed up to a special version of Touch WebReports that generated a box score instantly. This saved Lauren McLaughlin, Assistant Director, Media Coordination and Statistics, hours over the course of the 3 day tournament. Last season, they would take stats by hand, then enter the stats into spreadsheets and tabulate the numbers into a report.
Beach Volleyball Championship
2 Page PDF Box Score
Generated Automatically by Touch WebReports
SoloStats Touch is FREE for taking stats so you can give it a try today. Go here for instructions and downloads.